Learning to make new things is always good, whatever it is, a new dinner recipe or a language and even a new pattern. Those of us who crochet for love or for work to sell and have extra money, it is necessary to be always looking at the news on the internet, seeing new patterns or those that are in fashion, that everyone is loving at the moment to learn and not be left behind.
We have to update frequently. People who make pieces to sell, should always look for what is in fashion and what people are looking for on the internet for crochet pieces, thus increasing demand and sales. We who love crochet always have that list of next crochet to learn doesn’t it, always have something saved on your cell phone or computer. I’m always searching and I see lots of beautiful things and I keep saving it in the gallery for my wish list to learn how to do, my next projects.
This is good because we are never still and we are always practicing and improving our motor coordination. A tip is to always learn a little bit of everything, not just making squares or just towels, we should learn to make everything, towels, blankets, shawls, rugs, crochet squares, dishcloth, etc. Today I bring a beautiful and different pattern to learn.
The pattern I bring in this post today is a beautiful cushion cover with geometric designs that in the end gets a very beautiful and different designer. Cushion covers are not difficult to make, it is necessary to measure the size of yours and then make the right size, or a tip that I also use, is to go with it, crochet with the pillow underneath and make it so go around and stay the right size. Do it the way you think is best, most comfortable and best for crochet.
This pattern is always the same stitch, so it gets easier to do as it gets easier faster as you make the stitches and get used to it. Learn to do the stitch and go faster, so finish in less time, it’s not difficult to do, so enjoy and learn more this pattern for your list of experiences. Let your imagination flow and make beautiful color combinations and delight everyone with your self-made decoration.
With this pattern we can do many things besides crochet pillow covers. In the PDF that I leave for everyone, it explains how to make this stitch and the union to form the geometric shape, it is made by several pieces of the shape and then it is sewn together one by one, so you can use this stitch to join and form other pieces beyond of covers such as a beautiful bedspread for your bed or a blanket for your sofa.
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If you liked this crochet cushion cover as I did, which I found very beautiful and modern, then don’t waste any more time and get started now. This pattern doesn’t take long to make. Below I leave the link where I found the pattern in free PDF, with all the color information and the pattern written with graphics to help understand more, Make beautiful pieces how you want to create, use your imagination and your experience to create. I hope you like this pattern and until the next one, always come back, kiss.
Free Pattern PDF : Tunisian crochet pillow 3D blocks