Hello crochet friends, welcome here on our site we love so much. Crochet is something innovative and charming, it can spend years and decades that will always be present in our house or in the house of someone we know. Crochet is a great hobby because besides making the pieces for our use, it also gives us many benefits for health and that’s why he is a very recommended and practiced hooby.
In the past, crochet was very grandma’s thing, as only older people practiced it and had the patience to keep crocheting, practicing and making beautiful pieces with their hands for themselves or to give as a gift to someone they love. It was very common and even over the years it hasn’t changed, on the contrary, it is suitable for people of all ages and is practiced not only by older people but also by younger people.
It helps a lot for those suffering from anxiety, depression, difficulty with hands etc. It has many benefits. Besides, of course, you can make beautiful pieces for your wardrobe or for your home, using in the decoration. And to have an extra income at the end of the month, crochet helps a lot, being a piece that spends almost nothing to make other than yarn, thus making a greater profit on each piece you sell. Enjoy and practice always, because knowledge is never too much.
Today’s pattern, as you may have already noticed in the picture above, is on a crochet blanket or sofa blanket, it is an intermediate level of difficulty pattern due to its variety of stitches in the pattern, but nothing impossible to do. For those who have difficulty or are at the beginning, it is not impossible to make this blanket, but it will take a little longer to finish, if you do it very carefully and want to finish the piece, you will make it without a doubt.
The pattern is in the photo in shades of pink, gray and a little darker orange, thus making a mixture of colors and tones that in the end is beautiful as you can see. Before starting the piece, always look at the colors you have in your box or basket, so you can choose the colors to use and make the combinations without having to run out of yarn before finishing the job and then not find the same color.
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So, before starting any piece, we must organize our place where we are going to crochet, making sure that nothing will twist or interfere with making and unraveling the thread. See and choose the colors you want to make the pattern, seeing if you have enough quantity and also see if your scissors and needle are in good quality so as not to spoil the piece.
Below I leave the link I found the pattern in pdf of 10 pages to be able to print and take wherever you want. On the link you will find all the necessary information to do this work, such as the meaning of the step-by-step abbreviations and also the graphics symbols, colors used, needle sizes, the complete step-by-step, all written and each part you will have a graphic to help even more and not have any doubts when crochet. Enjoy all the information and make beautiful pieces, good work and always come back to our website. Bookmark our site and share.
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