Welcome to our website, yesterday I did not want to bring any pattern here for all of you but I am already here in the morning to leave one more amazing pattern, more knowledge to learn more each day. To become a good crochet artist or to be good in any other profession or hobby, practice and constancy are always necessary. So practicing always you will have more affinity with the wires and hooks.
Practicing always, day by day you will have more practicality in making the stitches, more agility and finishing your pieces faster. It also helps with memory, making it easier to produce as well and facilitating everyday life. Practice makes perfect, always think about it to have a better, more perfect point, a more perfect end result and less defects, everything more standardized. With our hands we can do many beautiful things, just dedicate yourself and have the will.
As you can see, today’s pattern is a beautiful crochet flower with a stalk and leaf, this pattern as I said above, is very useful to learn and use in various things, it is not difficult and can be made by anyone any level of crochet provided you know the basics of the stitches. It is always good to know how to make crochet applications, such as flowers, hearts, stars and crochet animals.
Knowing is always good and helps when doing something more original and innovating. Enjoy because this pattern is small so it ends up faster, being able to do more and learn better and also be able to make other patterns.For this flower pattern, you can make the colors you prefer, you can mix 2 tones as shown in the photo above that made a mix of purple with white and it was beautiful, you can make other colors with white or make two tones of the same color that also it looks beautiful.
If you want to do it in another way without problems too, it is your piece so do it as you prefer and find it beautiful. Your imagination counts a lot in the moment, let it flow and make amazing pieces and you will love it. You can put this flower on blankets, dresses, baby blankets, details on tablecloths, rugs, whatever you prefer to put on will look beautiful, I’m sure of it.
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Below I leave attached for you the video tutorial of this crochet flower, in it you will see the entire step by step. In the video it is shown how this flower does, doing it together with you and it is also left in the video caption of what she is doing, a written step by step. So it’s a very complete video, I hope you enjoy every detail a lot and also practice a lot to get more and more professional. I hope you like it and come back more often, I’ll leave one more pattern here for you later so keep an eye out. Good work and until the next pattern here on our website.