Hello welcome to our beloved website, today as every day we bring crochet news to learn and appreciate the beautiful things that you have and that are endless. If you are new to crochet crafts, I welcome you and learn many things and dedicate yourself, be patient that in the end everything goes well and you will fall in love when it is over because when you see something done by you it will make you want to make more pieces yet, it happened to me.
The more you practice, make the patterns and in the end see your work ready, the more you will want to learn new things and look for news on the internet like me. Save this site in your favorites bar because here we have two patterns available every day with a graphic or video tutorial but always containing the information to do the job, there will never be a post with a paid pattern, this is not our goal, happy to share .
Today will be a day of cute things, clothes and a blanket. I separated beautiful patterns to bring here on the site today, keep an eye out. In this post the pattern will be clothes, crochet clothes are always beautiful, elegant and it always pays to learn and make your own piece, it is cheaper than buying the piece. And nothing better than doing something with your hands with your affection and dedication. Today the pattern is a beautiful long crochet jacket, if you like it then keep reading.
Today’s pattern as you can see in the photo I left above is a crochet jacket all worked with the designer of flowers and waves, it is very beautiful and useful because it makes beautiful combinations and makes a piece that would be expensive spending only the value of the threads that are cheap. It’s not very cool, enjoy and learn right now. For those who sell it is important to have pieces like this different, especially with the little cold season.
This pattern can be used as a detail on top, or putting a long sleeve shirt underneath to warm up more and it looks beautiful with a boot look, I love it. I love being able to make beautiful pieces like this from crochet, it’s just incredible that it doesn’t even seem to be made with such perfect and delicate hand. It is not difficult to do, just be careful with counting the points so as not to lose and do it correctly. The technique used is that of Burges lace, which is unique and different.
This Burges flower is also used in blouses, bedspreads and other things you want to use. Start doing the center and then circulate with the technique shown in the video tutorial that I will leave below. If you want to use this pattern and innovate you can, crochet allows you to make and create many original things by mixing patterns that are very beautiful in the end. Choose the color you prefer and make beautiful pieces.
Also check out these Free Patterns
Below I share with you the graphics I found of this pattern, enjoy each one, save and print to see better or pull out the zoom, it is not difficult to understand and do. After the graphics I left two tutorial videos that are part 1 and 2 that shows how to do, step by step making the pattern to understand it easily. Good job and let’s create beautiful jackets.