Crochet carpet is a passion of most crochet girls, it is an essential item for any environment. This type of round rug can be made by yourself, as it is not difficult to follow the crochet pattern, the material is very cheap and easy to make. For those who like this incredible hobby that is crochet, they will love making this crochet rug. You will be surprised after this crochet pattern is ready and decorates your room or room.
This handmade round crochet rug is an excellent opportunity for those who need to complement the household income. With this pandemic, the budget tightened and it is not easy for anyone. There are many advantages to buying crochet string rugs, such as the ease of washing and drying even in the washing machine. String rugs come in various shapes, colors and sizes and the pieces adapt to any environment. this round crochet rug is very beautiful.
I’ll give you an important tip, crochet rugs are perfect for the living room, dining room, entrance hall, balcony, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Contrary to what many people think, crochet rugs are not outdated. Let your imagination flow and decorate your home with the round crochet rug, be cractive and choose the colors you like best.
My decorator told me that crochet rugs can combine with different styles, such as a more relaxed and colorful environment or with a more casual style or even with the decoration of simple houses.
If you don’t know crochet rug then you can choose to buy crochet rugs made in specialized stores or even order these beautiful crochet rug pieces from artisans.
My friends always try to match the rugs with the colors of the upholstery, curtains and decorative objects in the house, such as pillows. Crochet pieces can have different colors or applications of flowers made from crochet.
Also check out these Free Patterns:
Crochet rugs have a wide variety of stitch styles that combined create designs and textures on the pieces. You can use it as a rug for the kitchen, bathroom or balcony. The place that is best for you. In fact, the string rug is great for staying close to the bathroom cabinet. Combine the colors of the environment and make an amazing piece! I’ll leave the video tutorial below, the video is in Portuguese but you have the option of adding subtitles to you tube. kisses friends
Access The Pattern ☞ Round crochet rug