It is always good and interesting for you to improve your knowledge every day because it increases your creativity to make new patterns with new ideas and your agility when making crochet. So practice, search for patterns to make and increase your capacity and let your imagination run. Your hands are capable of creating many incredible things, believe you ever. Working the mind is also essential.
Crochet besides being good to sell and have extra money, it is easy to do, good for distracting the head, the result is fantastic and very economical to do, spent only on threads as the needle lasts for years. Of course, if it doesn’t break in the case of a wooden needle or in the case of losing, having to buy another one, but without having these options, the expenses are only for threads, which will run out and threads of new colors, are cheap.
Today’s pattern to close our morning with a golden key is a crochet blanket that is well known and always practiced by beginners in crochet after learning the main points and simpler patterns like granny square those points. And this point is one of the simplest ones too, so it is very important for you beginners to learn how to make, as it is a simple point that can make beautiful pieces.
The Shell pattern is a point, an incredible technique, because it is an easy point to make, fast and that through it you can make many beautiful pieces and always, each piece made can be innovated and doing new jobs and different methods of using it because it is a basic pattern but it is also not basic at all. These are incredible jobs. With this pattern you can do many things, as it is very moldable and basic. You can make beautiful blankets for bed, baby blankets, pillow covers, sofa blankets, bags, shawls, scarf, socks, you can use this stitch to make children’s dresses too. Look how much to use this stitch, so learn and create many pieces, great to sell too because it looks like a beautiful designer.
Choose soft yarn and different colors to do more work with it. Make combinations of two or more colors, make a piece in a gradient look beautiful or else using colored threads, mandalas that will be beautiful a colorful pattern and fun to make. The stitch looks like a fan when it ends, it looks nice for the piece. They surprise each time they finish.
This color of the photos are a suggestion for you as examples, in a photo combining red with white and other shades of beige and brown, it looks so beautiful and sophisticated. Do as you like and want to create, I know it will look great in any color you choose, trust me. To finish the edges, make the last row of shell stitch with a color that highlights like white for example, giving a beautiful texture in the highlight of the colors for the complete design.
Also check out these Free Patterns:
I left here a link that I found with the pattern written in pfd, just print and take it anywhere you want to be more comfortable and practical. If you liked it start now, enjoy every piece of information. Thank you for your visit, I hope you come more often and every day we have news here on the site, we have many beautiful things already being prepared. We hope you enjoyed it, a hug and see you soon.
Pattern PDF Free- Shell Blanket ❤